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TOA DIY basic do-it-yourself PA installation
Basic paging system 60, 120, 240 watt mixer amplifiers specifically designed for maximum versatility and cost-effective high-performance | |
Code: | DIY 3 |
Basic do it yourself Public Address System
The Toa D.I.Y. PA system is a concept put together for the purpose of helping you put together a multi-purpose, basic paging system with desk paging push to talk microphone and loudspeakers. The object is to get you up and running with the least amount of cost and inconvenience anywhere in Australia. You have the option to order the 60, 120 or 240 watt mixer amplifiers. (Note; the output power is relevant to the total amount of the speaker output power) for general paging leave 10% in reserve!!!. The selection of speaker can be for outside or inside. The Toa outside speakers are normally horn type and for inside normally celling or wall box speakers. The Toa products are specifically designed for maximum versatility and are D.I.Y. cost-effective.
Things you need to work out before you order:
- How large is the area or areas that you need to cover?
- Are the speakers for inside or outside or both?
- Will the speaker be for paging only or music and paging?
Ruff rule of thumb for calculating the number of speakers and placement:
- If it looks like you only need 1 or 2 speaker then it's most likely true
- If it looks like the speakers should be in 'that' spot it's also a good chance it's also true ( it's not always that simple however we are talking about D.I.Y.)
- If you're not sure email a sketch of the site i.e. areas you need covered and mention things like if it's quiet or noisy, measurements need to be included.
- Don't be frightened to put your thoughts on the positioning of the speakers on the sketch.
Horn loudspeakers are a bit like a flash light, you need to point them in the direction that needs to be covered for audio. The Toa offers you a 10, 15 & 30 watt horn speaker; each of the horn speakers has adjustable output volume control on the back of them. The 30 watt speaker is the most popular due to its output power. It's always better to be able to turn the speakers down than not be able to turn them up.
The Toa inside speakers that are normally used are the 5 watt ceiling speakers or wall box speakers. Like the horn speaker each speaker has adjustable output volume control on the back of them, adjustable to suit the areas i.e. toilets adjusted from 5 watts to 1 watt and other quiet areas to from 5 watts to 3 watts. If you need larger speakers then we have that option also.
Installation should preferably be organised by your on-site electrician, however the whole idea of the D.I.Y. is for you to do it yourself. You don't need to have a licence to install this however you need to put in place guidelines i.e. the speaker cable needs to be double insulated figure 8, minimum of 24 strands. You need to have cable runs from the speaker to the amplifier without joins, (the more joins the more problems you can have) read the manual; ask all the relevant questions before you connect the system up.
A basic PA system is just that because (1) you have the paging microphone connected to the input of the paging amplifier, the microphone connector will only connect to the microphone input on the amplifier (that's unless you decide to do a MacGyver)' (2) you connect one or more speakers to the amplifier with double insulated figure 8 cable' it's that simple. See image.
If you have multiple speakers it's not a problem as long as you don't exceed the amplifiers output power i.e. 120 watt amplifier 4 x 30 watt speaker = 120 watts or 8 x 15 watt = 120 watts will also work for general paging.
To connect multiple speakers we use the 100 volt line system. Basically connect the cable from the amplifier to the first speaker and then loop out and into the second and so on. It's always a great idea to go for the biggest amplifier; it's too costly to have to change if you need to add additional speaker to the system at a later date.
Email me with your thoughts, ideas and requirements or phone me on 0407442822